Metadata in JUnit runner

In your JUnit project, you can insert Squash Metadata into test methods via an Annotation named TFMetadata. For example:

@DisplayName("This is my test with Squash Metadata")
@TFMetadata(key ="key", value ={"value"})
public void testAddWithTFMetadata1() {
    Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
    assertEquals(2, calculator.add(1, 1), "1 + 1 should equal 2");

Configuration : new dependency

In order to be able to use TF metadata in your Junit project, you have to add a new dependency to your project.

To do so :

  1. Add to the dependencies section of your project pom.xml the following dependency :

  2. Add to the repositories section (or create it if doesn’t exist) of your project pom.xml the following repository. (This is needed because our dependency is not available on maven central but only in our repository)

        <name>squashtest test automation - releases</name>

Metadata syntax conventions

In a Metadata annotation, the key is mandatory. A metadata key MUST be ONE WORD which contains only alphanumeric characters, dashes, underscores and dots. Spaces/tabulation are allowed before and after the word.

Moreover, metadata key is case insensitive and must be unique in a test file, even a test method.

@DisplayName("For a typical Metadata Key")
@TFMetadata(key ="   Key.01-is_Insensitive-and_MUST-be_UNIQUE      ", value ={"value"})
public void testAddWithTFMetadata2() {
    Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
    assertEquals(3, calculator.add(1, 2), "1 + 2 should equal 3");

On the other hand, the value is optional. However, if existed, a metadata value MUST be ONE WORD which contains only alphanumeric characters, dashes, slashes, underscores and dots. Spaces/tabulation are also allowed before and after the word.

Metadata value is case sensitive and must be assigned to a metadata key. It is also possible to have many metadata values associated to a same key.

@TFMetadata(key ="key1")
public void testAddWithTFMetadata3() {
    Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
    assertEquals(4, calculator.add(1, 3), "1 + 3 should equal 4");

@TFMetadata(key ="key2", value ={})
public void testAddWithTFMetadata4() {
    Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
    assertEquals(5, calculator.add(1, 4), "1 + 4 should equal 5");

@TFMetadata(key ="key3", value ={"   pathTo/Value.03-is_Sensitive      "})
public void testAddWithTFMetadata5() {
    Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
    assertEquals(6, calculator.add(1, 5), "1 + 5 should equal 6");

@TFMetadata(key ="key4", value ={"value1", "Value2", "value3"})
public void testAddWithTFMetadata6() {
    Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
    assertEquals(7, calculator.add(1, 6), "1 + 6 should equal 7");

A test method can be associated with from zero to many Metadata.

@DisplayName("No metadata")
public void testAddWithTFMetadata7() {
    Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
    assertEquals(8, calculator.add(1, 7), "1 + 7 should equal 8");

@DisplayName("With one metadata")
@TFMetadata(key ="key", value ={"value"})
public void testAddWithTFMetadata8() {
    Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
    assertEquals(9, calculator.add(1, 8), "1 + 8 should equal 9");

@DisplayName("With many metadata")
@TFMetadata(key ="key1", value ={})
@TFMetadata(key ="key2", value ={"value"})
@TFMetadata(key ="key3", value ={"value1", "value2"})
public void testAddWithTFMetadata9() {
    Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
    assertEquals(10, calculator.add(1, 9), "1 + 9 should equal 10");


Please ensure that all Metadata keys in every JUnit method of a Test script are unique.