TF Param Service

This service allows you to retrieve the values of the parameters that are present in a .json file in order to use them in your JUnit test.


TF Param Service will only work properly with 1.2.0-RELEASE (or newer) version of TF JUnit Runner.


In order to be able to use TF param Service in your JUnit project, you need to add a new dependency to your project.

Add the following dependency to the pom.xml of your project :


Call the service

If you want to use methods of the service in your JUnit test, you first need to call it. To do so, write the following:


You will need to write this everytime you want to use the service.

Available methods

  • getTestParam(String paramName) : Returns a String of the value associated with the “paramName” parameter in the params section of the test in the supplied .json file. Returns << null >> if it can not be found.
  • getTestParam(String paramName, String defaultValue) : Returns a String of the value associated with the “paramName” parameter in the params section of the test in the supplied .json file. Returns defaultValue if it can not be found.
  • getParam(String paramName) : Search the “paramName” parameter in the test params section of the test in the supplied .json file. If the service does not find it, it looks in the global-params section. Returns a String of the result of its search or << null >> if nothing was found.
  • getParam(String paramName, String defaultValue) : Search the “paramName” parameter in the test params section of the test in the supplied .json file. If the service does not find it, it looks in the global-params section. Returns a String of the result of its search or defaultValue if nothing was found.
  • getGlobalParam(String paramName) : Returns a String of the value associated with the “paramName” parameter in the global-params section of the supplied .json file. Returns << null >> if it can not be found.
  • getGlobalParam(String paramName, String defaultValue) : Returns a String of the value associated with the “paramName” parameter in the global-params section of the supplied .json file. Returns the defaultValue if it can not be found.

Manually provide .json file

If you want to manually provide the .json file, you need to add the following parameter -Dtf.test.suite={file:path/to/json/FileName.json} to your maven goal.

“path/to/json/FileName.json” must be the relative path of your .json file from the root of your project.

If the .json file is located directly at the root of your project, just type -Dtf.test.suite={file:FileName.json}

For example :

mvn clean compile test-compile org.squashtest.ta.galaxia:squash-tf-junit-runner-maven-plugin:1.2.0-RELEASE:run -Dtf.test.suite={file:testSuite.json}

Example of .json file :

    "test": [{
            "id": "39",
            "script": " Jupiter Test Display Name",
            "param": {
                "TC_REFERENCE": "",
                "TC_CUF_CUF_CUSTOM": "true",
                "TC_UUID": "3a7099ff-ab59-4e99-b21d-07e7d71d1ed5"
        }, {
            "id": "40",
            "script": " Jupiter Test Display Name",
            "param": {
                "TC_REFERENCE": "",
                "DS_name": "Bertrand",
                "DSNAME": "dataset1",
                "TC_CUF_CUF_CUSTOM": "true",
                "DS_age": "41",
                "TC_UUID": "adec6164-5dec-4c8c-a0ae-c036340d519b"
        }, {
            "id": "41",
            "script": " Jupiter Test Display Name",
            "param": {
                "TC_REFERENCE": "",
                "DS_name": "Damien",
                "DSNAME": "dataset2",
                "TC_CUF_CUF_CUSTOM": "true",
                "DS_age": "undefined",
                "TC_UUID": "adec6164-5dec-4c8c-a0ae-c036340d519b"
    "param": {
        "globalParamSection": "This is global param section",
        "user": "foo",
        "ow_ner.Na-me": "bar",