Robot Framework tests running

This Mojo enables one to run a selection of, or all possible, Robot Framework tests and report their execution. In order to do so one only needs to run the following command :

mvn org.squashtest.ta.galaxia:squash-tf-robotframework-runner-maven-plugin:1.0.0-RELEASE:run
  • mvn : launch Maven
  • org.squashtest.ta.galaxia:squash-tf-robotframework-runner-maven-plugin:1.0.0-RELEASE:run : the actual running Mojo provided by Squash TF Robot Framework Runner.

By default the whole collection of tests available in the project will be executed. A summary of the execution is reported and available at target/squashTA/html-reports/squash-ta-report.html.

If one wants to only run a subset of possible test one can provide a list of :

  • tests cases with the maven property “tf.test.suite”

    mvn org.squashtest.ta.galaxia:squash-tf-robotframework-runner-maven-plugin:1.0.0-RELEASE:run -Dtf.test.suite="MyTest/Ihm/Add data;MyTest/Rest/Clean data"


    Be careful, the full qualified test case name is case sensitive. To prevent problems use the names provided by the list goal

  • tests suites (.robot file) with the maven property “tf.robot.testSuite”

    mvn org.squashtest.ta.galaxia:squash-tf-robotframework-runner-maven-plugin:1.0.0-RELEASE:run -Dtf.robot.testSuite="myTest/ihm.robot;myTest/rest.robot"


These two properties are mutually exclusive. You can only use one of them in a command line.

For both of this maven property two mechanism are possible:

  • Mimic TM-TF link and provide a list of selected test via a Json file. In this scenario the parameter should be given the value {file:testsuite.json} and the testsuite.json file should be put at the root of the project.
  • Provide a CSV like line, where qualified tests names are listed separated by semicolons


If there are metadata syntax errors in the running test script(s), warning message(s) will be displayed in the console. (See Metadata in Robot Framework Runner for more information about Metadata syntax conventions)