Junit test Metadata Checking

As the goal “list”, the goal check-metadata searches and checks if all metadata in this JUnit project respect the conventions for writing and using Squash TF metadata. (See Metadata in JUnit runner for more information about Metadata syntax conventions)

mvn clean compile test-compile org.squashtest.ta.galaxia:squash-tf-junit-runner-maven-plugin:1.1.0-RELEASE:check-metadata

The goal will check through the project, collect all the metadata error(s) if any and lead to the FAILURE. Otherwise, a SUCCESS result will be obtained. (However, no JSON report will be created with a successful check-metadata goal.)

Metadata error(s), if found, will be grouped by test names.

Check-metadata build FAILURE

When a JUnit project has duplicate values ​​in a multi-value key on a given test, the check-metadata goal will create a WARNING message in the console.

Check-metadata build WARNING

‘check-metadata’ goal with Unicity checking

In addition to the normal syntax checking, you can insert the tf.metadata.check property after the goal “check-metadata” to check the unicity of each Metadata Key - Value pair.

mvn clean compile test-compile org.squashtest.ta.galaxia:squash-tf-junit-runner-maven-plugin:1.1.0-RELEASE:check-metadata -Dtf.metadata.check=[valueUnicity]

If there are metadata Key - Value duplicate(s) existed in the SKF project (even if the syntax is OK), a FAILURE result will be obtained.

Check-metadata with Unicity checking build FAILURE

‘check-metadata’ goal with Unicity checking for specific Keys

You can even check the unicity of each metadata Key - Value pair with just some specific Keys by inserting the second property tf.metadata.check.key after the first one mentioned above.

mvn clean compile test-compile org.squashtest.ta.galaxia:squash-tf-junit-runner-maven-plugin:1.1.0-RELEASE:check-metadata -Dtf.metadata.check=[valueUnicity] -Dtf.metadata.check.keys=[xxx,yyy,zzz]


In the bracket, the key list MUST be a string of characters composed by concatenation from 1 to n keys separated by commas: -Dtf.metadata.check.keys=[xxx,yyy,zzz]

If the list is surrounded by double quotes, spaces are allowed: -Dtf.metadata.check.keys=”[xxx, yyy, zzz]”

It is NOT allowed to have two commas without any key OR only spaces/tabulations between them. (ex: -Dtf.metadata.check.keys=”[xxx, ,yyy,,zzz]”)

Key list is NOT allowed to be either uninitiated or empty. (ex: -Dtf.metadata.check.keys= OR -Dtf.metadata.check.keys=[])

For each searched metadata key, if there are Key - Value duplicate(s) existed in the SKF project, a FAILURE result will be obtained.

Check-metadata with Unicity checking for specific Keys build FAILURE


If searched metadata key(s) are not found in any Test files, a WARNING message will be raised in the console.

Missing Key