Squash TF Robot Framework Runner


The Squash Test Factory (Squash TF) Robot Framework Runner aims to provide a seamless integration to our ecosystem when automated test are implemented using Robot Framework as the underlying test framework.

As a Squash TF runner its main goal is twofold :

  • List in JavaScript Object Notation (Json) format the available implemented tests
  • Run a selection (that can include all available tests) and report the execution. In the case where the execution order originates from Squash Test Management (Squash TM), test status and report are sent back to Squash TM.


For the Squash TF Robot Framework runner to work, you should have installed on your execution environment (in addition to the recommendation applicable to all Squash TF runners) :

  • Python 2 or 3 (the “python” command should be in your be in your path) To use the runner python3 under linux, you need to create a symlink named python that points to the to the python3 executable and put the directory where this link is located at the beginning of the PATH variable in your execution environement. In jenkins, this can be done in the dedicated node configuration.
  • Robot Framework (the version you want)
  • all robot external libraries requisite by your test project


The command :

python -m robot --version

should succeed in order to Squash TF Robot Framework runner works.